Al-Noor Group of Industries came into existence in mid 1960s and are presently engaged in manufacturing
of white refined sugar, MDF Board (Lasani Wood), Trading and Insurance businesses.
Vision Statement:
- To keep climbing the ladder of success, by offering innovative products and services which are fully
compatible to needs of the varied client base.
- To meet the requirements of small business and industry. Particularly the SME's to ensure that this
sector which plays a critical part in the economy, does not remain starved of credit.
- The Modaraba remains fully cognizant of the interest of all the stakeholders, and takes prudent and
well informed decisions which are not prejudicial to anyone's interest.
Mission Statement:
- To inculcate the most efficient, ethical and time tested business practices in our management.
- To uphold our reputation for acting with responsibility and integrity, respecting the laws and
regulations, traditions and cultures of the country within which we operate.
- To accomplish excellent results through increased earnings that can benefit all the stakeholders.
- To work as a team and put the interest of the Modaraba before that of the individuals.
Associated Undertakings (The Group)